1. Student will be enrolled for the fall semester of the academic year 2023-2024. This Contract is valid only for term stated.
2. Parent understands that to reserve a place for Student for the term, parent must submit this Contract along with the required deposit (as a reservation fee) made payable to The Ohmapi Nature Project by September 1, 2023 via ACH transaction (Bank to Bank), Credit Card, PayPal, Cash or Check. Reservation Deposit for Elective day is $500. Reservation Deposit for 2 day program is $500. Reservation Deposit for 3 day program is $750. Reservation Deposit for 4 day program is $1,000.
3. We encourage visits and interviews prior to completing this contract to insure this program is a good fit for parent, student and program as the enrollment obligation for the full academic semester is unconditional and that no portion of the semester’s program fees so paid or outstanding will be refunded or cancelled in the event of absence, withdrawal, or dismissal of this student from the Program unless this contract is timely cancelled as set forth below. This contract may be cancelled in writing, without penalty (except forfeiture of the fees paid to date of cancellation notice) provided that written cancellation notification is received by Dawn Robinette on or before September 12, 2023. If cancellation occurs between September 12 and February 6, Parent agrees to assume unconditional responsibility for the full semester program fees and the costs of collection thereof, including reasonable attorney fees.
4. Parent understands that the Program has the right to suspend or terminate the attendance of any student for reasons that the administration considers detrimental to the community, student, or to other students in the Program, or for the Parent’s failure to pay all or any part of the Parent’s financial obligations for Student’s attendance.
5. Parent authorizes the Program to make available, via telegram, contact information of Parent and Student to Program families and Staff. Parent acknowledges that this directory is not to be used for commercial use and is not to be distributed to any person or entity other than another Program family.
6. Per the membership agreement, complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association designee, committee, or tribunal for the benefit of The Association and its members. The parties expressly waive all rights to trial by jury.
7. The Program’s duties and obligations under this Contract shall be suspended immediately without notice during all periods that the Program is closed because of force majeure events including, but not limited to fire, act of God, weather disaster, war, governmental action, act of terrorism, epidemic or any other event beyond the Program’s control. If such an event occurs, the Program’s duties and obligations in this Contract will be postponed until such time as the Program may safely reopen. If closures due to smoke or snow/ice exceed 2 days within a semester, additional days will be scheduled as make -up days.
8. The terms and conditions of the Contract constitute the full and complete agreement between the parties. No other verbal or written agreement shall, in any way, vary or alter any provision of the Contract unless both Parties consent to vary or alter any provision of the Contract in writing signed by both Parties.
By signing below, Parent acknowledges that Parent understands the terms of this Contract.