Nature Kindergarten

will resume in Fall of 2025

Our nature kindergarten is a play-based and Waldorf-Style nature program for five to six year olds. Our kinders spend their days exploring the forest, creeks and lakeshore reaping the cognitive, social, and physical benefits that stem from nature-immersed learning. Our gentle guides aid in deepening the kindersโ€™ nature exploration by facilitating a childโ€™s need for in-breaths and out-breaths. During our in-breaths the children sing songs, create crafts, eat and hear stories that speak to the heart. During their out-breaths they climb, balance, build, throw, run and hike. The children learn resiliency and appreciation for all seasons by spending time outside in all weather.

Our nature focus for the 2023-2024 academic year was The Tiny Critters That Support The Earth. Over the course of 38 weeks, from September to June, we explored the tiny critters that are the foundation of our natural world. We will learned about spiders, worms, bugs, etc..and the things that eat them. The things that eat them is a critical piece of understanding the greater connectivity these tiny creatures have on the natural world. Each month we explore one category of critters found on our campus.

Ohmapi largely exists to foster experiences that unearth connections within nature, amongst people and between nature and people.

How and When

Our nature kindergarten is designed to be a 3-day per week program.  By meeting three days per week, nature kindie becomes regular and expected. This constancy enables the children to get beyond the novelty or newness that once per week nature school presents. The children become accustomed to the rhythm of the sameness of place, instructors and fellow students and are able to easily settle in to their school day without expending emotional energy and time adjusting to the novelty of a class that meets infrequently. Although the 3-day per week program is optimal, we are just as pleased to offer 1 and 2 day per week options as well.

Classes are offered Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30am - 2:30pm


Our classes meet on 30 acres of private property in Nevada City. For the privacy of the area residents and our students, the location is not posted on our website. We frequently take field trips to other locations as well.

A Typical Day

9:30 Short walk from the parking area to our outdoor classroom

9:45 Circle: Seasonal songs and movement

10:00 Communal Snack

10:30 Hike and Exploration

12:30 Lunch & Story

1:15 Craft

2:00 Closing Circle


Enrollment is based upon a 16 week semester. Fees for the Fall 2025 are to be determined. Check back in with us in spring of 2025.

Ready to Enroll?

Please contact us to arrange an interview and trial day.